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What are the common disinfection methods of Hotel Towel?


Hotel Towel is used frequently and the user population is more complicated. In order to ensure the health of all residents, all Hotel Towel products must be disinfected and cleaned after use to prevent cross-infection. In general, the disinfection methods of Hotel Towel mainly include the following Four types:

1. High-pressure steam sterilization. Put the towels and bath towels in the pressure cooker and keep them heated for about 30 minutes to kill most microorganisms.

2. Chemical disinfectant disinfection method. As the disinfectant, you can choose a 200-fold diluted cleaning and disinfectant, and soak the towels in the solution for 15 minutes.
3. Microwave disinfection method. Clean the towels and bath towels, fold them and put them in the microwave oven, and run them for 5 minutes to achieve the purpose of disinfection.

4. Steaming and sterilizing method. Boil the towels and bath towels in boiling water for about 10 minutes, then wash them with soapy water, and dry them before use.